Thursday, September 24, 2015

All Scripture is God-Breathed

Last night we journaled our first entry in our Bible. Our class participants used journaling and note-taking Bibles, Bibles they already owned, or sketchbooks. And some chose to journal on velum that they will attach as overlays to their Bibles. 
Before we began we discussed 2 Timothy 3:16, 

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."
Here is the artwork we did:

I had patterns which I had run off of various sizes. Students traced them into their Bibles with various methods. They traced around the Bible with a 01 Micron pen.  I encouraged them to do their own thing on the "breath" part of the design - to use their own choice of colors and shapes. In my Bible I erased out the descending dove and the scripture itself to give it a transparent look. Most finished in class, but a few took it home to finish. 

Here are links to the instruction sheet I gave to my class:

One student used her own artwork:


  1. Your Bible page is beautiful...I discovered it on Pinterest. Thanks so much for sharing such wonderful ideas. I was inspired to do my own
    2 Timothy 3:16!

    1. Thanks so much for you sweet words. I would love to see your Bible entry, if you feel like sharing. My email address is

  2. Thank you for sharing your special talent and your love of the Lord. I search every week for special graphics and make cards to send to anyone within the Church (and some outside the Church) to inspire/encourage/motivate/teach. They are a blessing to me as well - we all learn and grow as we share. Linda Shaw-Clark
