Saturday, April 15, 2017


I think we all love the song "Oceans."  The words are so powerful and make me examine my faith and the faith of the 12 disciples.  We love the disciples so very much because they were ordinary men who spent 3 years with Jesus and still had doubts. And Jesus loved them anyway.  I think often about "trust without borders."  And at the same time the words from "How Deep the Fathers Love for Us" that say

 Behold the Man upon a cross 
My guilt upon His shoulders 
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice 
Call out among the scoffers

Because I am almost certain I would have been a scoffer!

I very much want "trust without borders."  When Jesus calls me out upon the waters I want to walk on that water.  I guess I'll have to wait for heaven to have that complete and perfect trust.

 The artwork is done in colored pencils and was inspired by an image I saw on the Internet.  I printed the quote from a font on the computer and traced it with a Micron pen.

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