This blog is a site to document a Bible journal class. Each entry will be Information presented i

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Psalm 16:3 Commit Your Work to the Lord

This is the lesson for Wednesday, Sept. 30.  So sorry to be posting this late.  I had an extremely busy week. I drew this pattern to fit my Bible with objects that represent me.   I suggest that you change it to make it represent your own work. Several in the class added personal items to the table and even redrew the entire room to represent the place where they work.  I will try to take some pictures to add to the blog.
If you do not have the bottom margin you will probably have to stack the words to fit under the edge of the table.  Or you could put it in the margin of the other page if your next page is on the right.  If you do not have enough space at the bottom of the table, crop the top of the easel and move the entire design up to make room.
We used a 01 Micron pen to outline and added colored pencils.

This is link to the hand drawn pattern:
Commit to the Lord Pattern

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